I have a friend named Patrick. He visits me from another continent, and we have lunch, usually on 90 minutes’ notice.

I’m a low key individual, but that’s out the window when Patrick’s around, because he brings energy that is impossible for the rest of the restaurant to ignore. It is the energy of a man who slogged through a career that he hated, made a switch, slogged some more, and succeeded.

This energy is big, and excited, and hopeful.

Patrick’s hopefulness isn’t limited to his own situation; to the generational wealth that he is in the process of building for his family. His optimism is a resource, multiplied and gifted to hundreds of people in his sphere.Patrick tells stories. Stories of new friends met, fun had, pivots executed, investments secured, wins collected.

These stories are never lacking humor. His laughter shakes the restaurant, and even if it didn’t, his hot pink tee shirt would not let our conversation go unnoticed. But nobody minds, because negative vibes do not exist within 20 feet of Patrick.

We also talk about challenges, heavy topics, sadness. But we never dwell there.

Patrick to me represents a vision of the ultimate form of success: living wild dreams, raising a beautiful family, creating a better world, and helping others. I have a certain number of people in my life for whom I try to be a version of Patrick, and I’m fortunate to have many Patricks of my own.

For anyone who asks my advice, it’s always the same: Find a Patrick.