Recently I was chatting with a Chief People Officer at a prestige brand.

Filling me in on a difficult leadership search they needed our help with, she brought me up to speed:

Multiple search firms engaged, 60+ great candidates presented, 10 or 20 favorites, 4 finalists.

All with the experience and pedigree for the job.

None of them hired.


Nobody could pass the vibe check with the Final Boss. The Protector of the Realm. The Founder.

Why wasn't the founder clicking with these candidates?

"He wants someone who doesn’t spout data or talk about what’s working for other companies. He wants someone who’s immersed in culture, has hobbies, has their own opinion. Someone with a personality.”

Talk all you want about incompetent people landing dream jobs due to nepotism and cronysm, but what about the opposite?

What about completely competent, immensely qualified candidates who miss out on jobs because they simply can’t make a friend?

Your personality is your most powerful career advancement tool.

The natural personality that emerges when you make an effort to connect your passions with someone else’s.

Live an interesting life, then bring that the table. Read the room, find common ground, engage on their level.

Final Bosses hire people they trust. And they trust people they know. So make a friend.